
Two Become One, Part 4

July 16, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to continue with this relationship teaching. There's a lot of talk going on about it. Many of us are excited. Some of us are saying, "Amen," and some of us are saying, "Oh, me!" I would just encourage you to wait until the smoke clears and we're done. Then, try to find out where you are in the midst of all this. Don't worry about anybody else. It's like every other teaching. "How does this really apply to my life? What's God saying to me?" Also, don't get caught up in the periphery. We're trying to give a lot of examples. We're trying to speak toward many different aspects of a complex subject. We'll have to go over and over many of the specifics, but don't sit waiting for one specific point that will help you solve all of life's problems and miss the general principles that we're setting forth. In other words, if you can't identify and live by the general principles, you'll never get the specifics working for you. See the obvious, first of all, and say, "Am I doing the obvious? Am I doing the general principles that God's Word speaks toward?" If so, then I'm going to be able to clearly hear the specific guidance. I'll have confidence and faith that God will order my steps and put me specifically where He wants me.

We all know the Scripture says, "He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord." All the guys said, "Amen," even those with wives, especially those with wives! Amen? I asked the question in Men's Breakfast the other day, "How many of you love your wives more now than you did when you married them?" We didn't have a show of hands, so ladies; I can't give you the report. But, I'm sure it would have been the overwhelming majority, if not unanimous. Then the question was asked, "But how many of you love them differently than you loved them when you were first married, whenever that was?" Some have longer periods that have transpired; we have some newlyweds here that have been married less than a year. That's an exciting thing. They can't identify as much with that second statement, but some who have been married for longer can...