
Two Become One, Part 2

July 9, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Matthew, Chapter 19. We want to continue along with the study on two becoming one. I'm going to reiterate a number of things that we shared at Men's Breakfast the other day, because as confident as I am that all the husbands came home and shared everything that took place in the meeting verbatim-I know that happens all the time-we'll try to hit some of the highlights anyway and see what we can do.

It really starts there with the men. That's why we took the time in Men's Breakfast yesterday. Men, you are the final authority in the lives of your children as it pertains to their individual course that you oversee and spiritually as the patriarch of your household. There are requirements placed upon you, and you can't take it lightly. Ladies, of course, your role is to support them in God's ordained role as the head of the home. Children obeying their parents in the Lord; wives submitting to your husbands as unto the Lord; husbands loving your wives as Christ loved the church, willing to die to self for them: that's what love is really all about.

So as we look at this subject, I was telling the men yesterday that the thing we have to do first of all is unravel all of the bondage that we're in in our thought processes. We just taught a couple of weeks ago on the battle of the mind: renewing the mind and putting on the whole armor of God, holding up the shield of faith against the fiery darts of the enemy, pulling down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We talked about the battle we're having with the spirit of this age. As I taught that, many of us are thinking, "Yes, okay. I'm free from that. Praise God." I shared that we're under greater bondage than many of us really know as it pertains to the spirit of the age, the spirit of this world, the spirit of antichrist...