
Two Become One, Part 3

July 12, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Let's turn to Matthew's gospel, we'll pick up where we were Sunday morning and just allow the Lord to minister to us. I've heard a lot of rumblings since we started on this subject. Some of you old folks are mad at me from Sunday night and those different areas. We're in a place of really trying to identify in all of our lives-remember why we started this teaching, and how we're relating to the wisdom of this world, that's what this teaching's all about. Are we people that are living by faith, walking in the spirit, living from the Tree of Life, or are we more influenced by that Tree of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; humanism, secularism? What in our lives is out of order as it's pertaining to our fulfilling the will and the promises of God? We were studying-we saw as we talked in the relationship thing, and we'll get into the practical parts as we continue through, but the Scripture says it's not good for man to be alone. He tells us why and we realize the necessity of two becoming one flesh.

So let's turn to Matthew's gospel, Chapter 19, and again refresh our hearts with the Word of God, and remembering the Pharisees that come to the Lord tempting him. Their motive was not pure, they weren't wanting to know the truth and they were just wanting to try to trip him up. [Verse 3] "...Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?" They were looking for a way to justify their position. One of the positions that were being very strongly held by Hillel at that particular time was a perversion of biblical truths which is the authority of the man, prominent position of the man, and even until recent times outside of Christianity, women were seen as chattel, they were seen as property of men. Jesus, of course, debunked that, defused it, and revealed the truth. The Holy Spirit, through Paul's epistle, revealed the truth that it's not male or female (Galatians 3:28), amen? This body of Christ that we're in, we realize the unification of what God's doing in bringing two together, making them one is to bring that healing, that wholeness to man in the spirit, and that completion that was lost when God saw that Adam needed a help meet...