
The Miracle of Marriage, Part 5

March 2, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I think tonight we're going to be giving an opportunity for some interaction on the teaching we've been doing. Remember, we asked if you had any questions, it would help if you wrote them down. Get them into the hands of the deacons this morning before you go so that we could get some of those and be able to spend some time on what is really pertinent to you all, to make sure all the questions are asked. Most of us do pretty good at asking the questions in the group gathering. We're a family, and we've been together so long. Yet, some are still a little more comfortable by not having to speak publicly or even necessarily indicate their particular situations. So if you feel that way, write it down, and we'll deal with it. If you would rather just ask your question here in the community outwardly, we'll be happy to deal with that.

Let's take just a moment as we're winding down on this. Next week, of course, some of us will be headed up to Erie, Pennsylvania, to enjoy the nice cold, snowy weather for a couple of days as we go up for the basketball tournament. So we'll be winding some of this down. I've heard a lot of good reports. The good news is we got out alive Wednesday night. There seemed to be not too much hostility on the part of the ladies. They did lower me out in a basket over the wall after the service, and we were able to make our way home. It's been a good time. I think it's been very healthy for us, reestablishing doctrinally many of these practical areas of our relationships, the biblical home, the great gift that God has given us of marriage. "It is not good that the man should be alone" and "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord," the Scripture says. "Two are better than one." We rejoice in that...