
The Miracle of Marriage, Part 2

February 24, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Genesis, verse 18 of Chapter 2, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; [And all the men said? Amen!] I will make him an help meet for him." We saw, then, in God's declaration that man should not be alone it's a very interesting thing. Within man all that woman is, was originally placed within the man, Adam. God removed his rib from Adam, the Scripture says.

We know from a little further understanding that the scenario that really took place--this illustration doesn't work as well as it did forty years ago when we talked about the old Polaroid cameras--you remember the negatives. Most of us don't even know, because of digital, what a negative is anymore. We remember that the negatives from those old cameras were basically the same image from the exact opposite perspective, the negative, the same image. So, basically, God reached into man and pulled out this woman. Same image, different perspective; we call it the feminine perspective.

One of the things that we've come to find out is, and sometimes it takes a lifetime for some folks, men and women are different. Did you all figure that one out yet? Why the emphasis, in our society, to make us the same? Who do you think is behind that? When the Word of God clearly defines the distinctiveness and the difference between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, who do you think is behind the unisex movement? Satan! And how many of us have embraced it to one degree or another?...