
The Miracle of Marriage, Part 4

February 27, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

What a great time! It's a privilege just to come and be able to lead worship. Not only to lead it, but to be here in the presence of the Lord. Let's not take it for granted; amen? As good as the worship they have at times in Eldoret is, it's not like home; praise God. That's the paradox of having two homes. That's home when you are there, and this is home when you're here. That's really what obedience to the will of God is all about: the contentment and the grace to know that home is where His presence is and where His will is being fulfilled. Amen? It's great to have everybody home, and it will be good to see them go home sometime soon; praise God. Be prayerful. The negotiations over there have been back and forth and they are falling apart again. There is no violence at this time. We're thankful for that. At the same time, there's no progress. We are just waiting to see what the wisdom of God is, knowing that He will order our steps.

Let's turn to Ephesians. We are going to continue with our study. I don't know how long we will be on this topic. We probably won't stay on it until we are all perfect in these areas; so, somewhere along the line, we'll have to cut and run. I have already heard a number of reports coming back saying how the Lord has been speaking to hearts and ministering to many of our lives and families, and that's really what we are looking for. Just have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. Realize what it's all about. It's not just about having a better home situation; it's about fulfilling the will of God; amen? We are not to do these things so we can have a happier life. We are to do them so God can be glorified, so His Word is being fulfilled, so men can see our good works and (what?) glorify our Father (Matthew 5:16). That's why we should have good marriages, so Father will be glorified. That's why we ought to have godly homes, so God will be glorified. That's the motive behind it all, and we talked about the environment that we are living in...