
The Miracle of Marriage, Part 1

February 20, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

There was some information today concerning the babies [of an expectant mother in our congregation]--that there seems to be a complication with one of the babies not growing as it should. They're thinking that maybe there's some kind of an obstruction or a kink in one of the umbilical cords. We're just going to believe Father for that peace for [the mother]. Amen? Then also just the anointing and the life in that womb to bring forth glory to God. So let's just pray together.

Father, we come in the name of Jesus. First of all, Father, we just speak peace upon [the mother], just the joy of the Lord, the strength of Your presence that will undergird her. Father, the knowledge again that will be needed every day as they raise these children, to know that they're not theirs; they're the Lord's. They're Yours, Lord, and so we put them into Your hands. We thank You for strength. We thank You for life and health and the promises of God to manifest for Your glory. Father, strengthen [the father] now and encourage their hearts. We expect a miracle, Father, that You might be glorified, in Jesus' name. Amen! Amen.

Praise God. We serve a good God. Amen? You know, I was sharing that we were going to be looking at possibly a study on the faithfulness of God, and I think we may end up there, but as I've been continuing in prayer and from the pastoral perspective, just coming home and realizing a number of real needs in the fellowship here as it pertains to our relationships. We have a number of marriages here that are really hurting, and some on the verge of dissolving. We have a number of young people who have just been married, and some not so young, but [we're going to be] taking a look at what these relationships are to be and why they are...