
The Miracle of Marriage, Part 3

February 24, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's turn to Ephesians and just continue along here; see what the Lord has to say to us as we try to fortify our fellowship, our lives, against the wiles of the devil, as the Scripture says, in these last days. We're warring against principalities against powers. Satan's going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and we're seeing a lot of turmoil and a lot of damage in families, in personal lives; and we just need to not be ignorant of his devices. We need to come together and make sure that we're preparing ourselves for this hour, not allowing the footmen to weary us, and preparing ourselves for the enemy's chariots that are at hand. We said that what we need to do, of course, is to fortify our families, because the church is just a corporate gathering of a family; as priests of your homes, as God's ordained leaders to make sure that the vision's clear in each of our homes to the course that we're on, that it's clear. "As for me and my house [say it] we're serving the Lord," praise God. We talked about, men, assuming that headship in a generation, especially, when that tendency of men to abdicate, to just turn things over so they can selfishly serve their own flesh and not be bothered with many of the mundane things. We need to realize that caring for our families, knowing the state of our flock, our children and our wives, is not mundane, it's more important than your job. Amen? It's more important than your hobbies, than your free time. We've been called and given a responsibility to care for these flocks, and it's your responsibility to know the state of that flock.

As we were leaving off this morning, we were talking about that headship aspect, and I won't spend a lot of time in review; most of you were here this morning. We were talking about the awareness of God's divine order and that His method of leadership is benevolent dictatorship, and we see that expressed in His lordship over us, over the church. We saw that the head of the woman was the man and the head of the man was Christ. So, there's that same dictatorship. We're not coequal, men, with Jesus. We're not able to make decisions separately. We're not going to lend to Him or bring to Him a better idea, but we're to walk in obedience to fulfilling His will and His purpose in our lives. We were talking about that role that God's given us and reassuming that authority, but doing it in a way that is Christlike that is loving, that's tender, that's kind...