
Two Become One, Part 9

July 30, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Make Jesus Lord and everything subordinate to His role in your life, to His will in your life. The secular mind... We seem to think that we have certain privileges and rights, but God, in His grace, is loving us and placing us in this body as it pleases Him. He is making provision for us to carry out the task of edifying the body of Christ, of being conformed to His image. He has put people in our lives, iron that sharpens us, those that come alongside. We have teachers that speak into our lives, and counselors and, of course, this great role of the spouse in our lives. The helpmeet, as it is from the man's perspective, and the danger that so many of you ladies are in and the need that you have, the covering, from the female's perspective. You need a covering. We were talking about-some of you ladies may have been offended, but you've got to understand who you are. Woman's natural propensity, with Eve as mother, is to usurp authority, to be in charge, to control the man, to manipulate the man, to actually assume lordship in that man's life. "Yes, I know God said not to eat, but here. My will be done." We're talking about natural man and so, as believers, we have to combat everything that is natural to man by preparing our minds though the Word of God, though our habitual obedience to the biblical principles of going against nature, and walking in the spirit so that we don't fulfill the natural propensity of the flesh. When we talk about the lust of the flesh, we're not just talking about sexual lust. We're not talking about the appetites of food or pleasure. When we talk about the lust of the flesh, we're talking about walking according to the natural course of life. "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life..." (1 John 2:16). That's what we're warring and everything is, then, just the residual effects of that.

We're looking at our roles. Women need a covering; men need a helpmeet. We come together to make each other better, to become more Christlike. As we saw this morning, in our review of Genesis, the man, having abdicated his authority, was placed under the lordship of Jesus to provide by the sweat of his brow, to move in those areas of assuming provision for the woman. The woman, because of that usurping, was placed under and the commandment that she was to delight, then, in her husband. Let's turn over there quickly again and refresh ourselves. It's a vital part of this. We're going to begin to go from the relationships, the singles, we've talked so much over...