
Two Become One, Part 11

August 6, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Thank you, Jesus, amen! Let's turn to Ephesians, and also to Titus. We'll continue along with our study. We're going to try to wind this up here in the next session or so. A lot of good fruit has come already. We've heard a lot of testimony, a lot of discussion, and feedback that's come. I've been trying, as I've said, to keep this very practical for us and not just a doctrinal thing; most of us understand the doctrinal principals. It's just getting down to daily letting the spirit of God live through us. As we walk in the spirit, the Scripture says, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

In Ephesians, Chapter 5, we're talking about godly relationships and the order that Father has ordained for man. There is an order. The Scripture says that it was not good for man to be alone, so He made him a helpmeet. Adam, of course, was at this time delighted, fulfilled, and had communion with Father. Then, we know the order was broken. Woman became the usurper. That's been the natural tendency from the beginning, the spirit of Satan, the usurper, not content with the role he was created for. The second greatest creature of all time couldn't be satisfied, had to be head, and he was brought down and cast into hell. The woman was not content with her role. Satan came and said, "God's holding out on you. Eat this fruit. Your eyes will be opened, you'll be as gods." The woman ate, her eyes were opened, and at that point she realized for the first time, after having been deceived-the man was not deceived, the woman was deceived. After having been deceived, her eyes were opened and she realized she was under. She didn't like that role, her eyes were opened. She was content as long as she was in God.

Now there was a discontentment, first with God, and now with man. So, the role we see being carried out as a messenger of Satan, to go and seduce her husband. He ate, defected, and abdicated his role, and God brought judgment on them, as we saw. Man's role was now to be that of overseer, one that would be the authority. A lot of people think that's the role you want. I want to tell you something. It's not all it's cracked up to be, being responsible, being the one who has to make the decisions, being the one who has to answer...