
Knowing God's Voice, Doing God's Will, Part 5

January 27, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I know this morning, I don't know for sure what, but as I was--it was one of those nights I just couldn't sleep, and I didn't get off till about three o'clock this morning as I was just interceding.

This was prior to this e-mail, and as I woke up to this e-mail, but [I was] just praying for Tony and not only for Africa but just for the ordering of our steps here, as we live here in Sodom. Looking for the wisdom of God, and in the midst of all of our prosperity, believing Father, praying for us as a people that--as the prophets had spoken, they're going to be destroyed because of their prosperity.

We're not going to see that happen. Amen? We're going to be a people that keep our eye on the prize, the high calling of God that's in Christ Jesus. We're going to use this world but not abuse it. You have to be keen to do that. It's not an easy thing to live lives of faith in the midst of abundance. We've talked about it before. These folks over there in Kenya right now that are praying "Give us this day our daily bread," can pray that in faith. And we in all of our abundance must pray it in faith. Amen? Don't lose sight of who our provider is and that what we have is a daily provision, because it can take wings and be gone in a day, praise God. So be prayerful and don't trust in anything but the Lord and His grace and His strength in our midst.

Let's go ahead and pick back up where we've been in our study as we've been talking about hearing the voice of God and knowing that voice, distinct from our own individual appetites. We said that before we can really know the voice of God we have to become very familiar with our own voice, our own will. We have to come to grips with our own personal agendas in life and be able to pray like Jesus did in the garden: "Father, if it be possible [I do have a preference, and I know what it is, and if it be possible], let this cup pass from me; [Bring me out of this trial. If it be possible, here's my preference of what I would like to see in my life and the life of my children, but most importantly] nevertheless, not my will, Thy will be done." Amen?...