
Knowing God's Voice, Doing God's Will, Part 1

January 16, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

For our brothers and sisters in Africa, things are better there. Can you say "Praise God" for that? A number of things are taking place today, not all bad. A CNN reporter got shot with tear gas, so there are some bright sides taking place. I don't think very highly of CNN; it's a propaganda station. They weren't hurt, by the way. It makes it humorous. A lot of good things are taking place. Let me read just a couple of lines here from Tony. He said:

Finishing our day and receiving some of the last reports from our contacts, those in the housing estates here in Eldoret and from around the nation. The government ban on live broadcasting in still in effect, delaying the spread of current events, so the team of men in the churches are helping, as well as numerous other sources. Some of the key events are as follows: We had a good time in the Lord in our mid-week service. We had it early in the morning to avoid the potential dangers and the chaos of the rallies.

[I shared with Tony--they were under a lot of pressure and stress in some of the leadership there--I just shared that they were trying to get DT back up and running with half [the] staff and half of our attendance, and I told them to just pull everybody together and make it non-academic DT, like we do here at times when there have been needs that have arisen. Don't worry about having to teach. Just get them together and encourage them in the Lord and share the Word of God and lift up each other's hands. So they've been meeting to do that. Continue to pray along those lines.]...