
Knowing God's Voice, Doing God's Will, Part 2

January 20, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen! I haven't heard that one for a long time. That's a song that I've always enjoyed. Larry, thank you for singing that. It goes right along with what we've been teaching. There's one phrase in there that I've always thought was interesting. It says, "The joy we share, as we tarry there, none other has ever known." That's how personal it is; amen? No one else experiences what you experience with the Lord, praise God! It's just for you--that intimacy, that personal touch. Aren't you looking forward to that day? The Scripture says that He has a name engraved that He's going to present to us that nobody else knows--just our little pet name. Do you have a pet name? You give a pet name to your loved ones, and this is that intimacy that He has with us. Thank God that this relationship we have with Him is personal!

Turn to the 119th Psalm. We're going to share a couple of principles again this morning on hearing the voice of God. As we were sharing Wednesday, there are a lot of voices in the air right now. At this time here in our country, of course, a lot of them are political. Are you tired of them yet? We have a whole year left! We hear the voice of Madison Avenue telling us how to look better and be skinnier. (Some of us should take heed!) We hear the voices of all the commercials telling us what we lack, what we need to be fulfilled in life. There are a lot of voices. There are the voices of the academia telling us, of course, that to be successful, we have to attend their schools, believe their philosophies, and apply their ideologies. What are we listening to?

The Scripture says there is this still, small voice that says, "This is the way; walk in it." Are you listening enough to hear that voice? Or is there so much noise that we're distracted and incapable of really hearing what God's saying to us today? I'm going to talk about one of the greatest hindrances to hearing that voice this morning. We made a comment on Wednesday night that before we can know the voice of God, we need to know or become familiar with our own voice. Because the fact is, most Christians mistake their voice--their will, their wisdom, their goals, their ideologies, their traditions, their family bonds--as the voice of God. Most of us think our voice is the voice of God. And we need to know what our voice is so we can distinguish clearly between that and the voice of the Spirit of God that does, in fact, lead us into all truth. We need to know the danger of self-deception and the danger of being answered according to our own idols, and it's so subtle. It is not only subtle, but it is so prominent that most of us truly believe that we're hearing the voice of God. "My will be done."..