
Knowing God's Voice, Doing God's Will, Part 3

January 20, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Just before we get into our study tonight, just a reminder to hold Tony up and all of the brothers in Africa. The trials are continuing there. There is a need of refreshing in the lives of the men, Tony especially. So just be in prayer. Lift his hands up, and we're believing Father for that refreshing, the wisdom of God that is necessary, and that Father would be glorified in all of the circumstances there. We have the promise as it pertains to the believing individuals, not a nation. God is not concerned with nations; He uses them for His own purpose. The nations, the Scripture says, are as a drop in the bucket. He raises up and brings down as it is best for the eternal kingdom. But in the midst of all that, there are the people who can say, "All these things are working together for good." That is God's promise to us. We want to just prayerfully hold them up and sustain them in our intercession.

Let's go back to the book of Ezekiel where we left off this morning. We've been looking at the subject and how important it is in this hour to really understand what it means to hear the voice of the Lord. Many of us here, in fact, probably all of us would say that we've heard the voice of the Lord. Some of us would have testimonies that would say that we believe we've heard the audible voice of God. Some of us would say that we've heard the word of the Lord spoken to us through angels. Some of us would be able to relate that we've heard from the Lord very clearly through His Word, through the revelation of the Word of God that is quickened to us. We've all heard testimonies of how it seems like the words would jump off the page at us or have some type of monumental effect immediately on our spirits as we look at a passage of the Word of God. Others, as we listen for the voice of God and believe that as the Lord is speaking to us, that it would come to us through counselors. So we would all say, "I believe I've heard from the Lord." The one thing we do know that all of us can say that we've heard from God is that no man can come except Father draw him. So we have heard, "This is the way," and we're thankful for that...