
Knowing God's Voice, Doing God's Will, Part 4

January 23, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Hopefully, most of you have read Psalm 119. We won't necessarily ask you to quote it tonight but I know some of you have memorized it. It's good to hide His word in our hearts (Amen?) that we don't sin against Him, realizing the Word of God is the source of all truth, John 17 tells us, and that the Holy Spirit is going to order our steps and lead us constantly into truth. A lot of us seem to think, then, that that's an intuitive voice of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit is going to speak to me, and I'm going to hear this voice, or know this momentary prompting. You'll find that most of the time the Holy Spirit speaks to you, it will be to bring to your remembrance the Word of God. He will lead us into truth. "Thy word is truth" (John 17:17). The more we memorize the Word of God, the more we exercise the Word of God through obedience, the keener we're going to be able to hear the spirit of God. The more of God's Word we've hidden in our hearts, the Scripture says in Psalm 119:100, will make us wiser than the ancients, the wise men, the elders, even more than our instructors. Now, lest you would like to think that, "Well, praise God, I'm smarter than Mom and Dad and all of the deacons," it's not just knowing the Word of God; it's doing the Word of God. Amen? What it's saying to us there is that it doesn't have to do... Wisdom doesn't come with longevity. It comes with experience in doing the Word of God. Wisdom does come with experience, not just years, experience. Choices of obedience, fruit that will come and vindicate that you're a doer of the Word, and not just a hearer only, having deceived yourselves. Knowledge puffs up. Not just knowing the Word of God, but obeying the Word of God. Hearers, and not doers, are people that are self-deceived and in jeopardy, as we shared last session out of Ezekiel, of being answered according to their own idols. We left off in that Ezekiel passage. That's a little bit of review...