
Two Are Better Than One, Part 2

December 11, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

He's coming back soon, and the Scripture says His bride is making herself ready. That's kind of what we've been on now for a number of months--just the preparation for the coming of the Lord. The day of the Lord is at hand. Amen? We look around and we see all of the prophetic pieces falling into line with Israel and the battle with Iran, the king of the South, the emergence of China, the king of the East, and of the king of the North and the Islamic faction of the Azerbaijanis and the whole southern region. God is going to put a hook in the jaw of the king of the North and break them into Israel for their doom and destruction. All of these things are taking place, and we're looking and watching these, but even more than these signs, you can see it in the prophecy and the statement of the Lord, "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days [of the coming] of the Son of man" [Luke 17:26]. Amen? We see that we're living as it was in the days of Noah, when God had to step in and bring a judgment on the world to allow only eight souls to survive. All of the evil, the iniquity, that is abounding today in our generation is just the fulfillment of that prophetic word and here we are, living in America, Sodom and Gomorrah, eating the bread of idleness, as the Scripture said, in all of our wealth.

We've been talking about how we guard ourselves in this hour. We're not to panic; we're just to be sober. Amen? Don't get fearful; just be sober and realize that this day is upon us--the day of the Lord is at hand--and in our sobriety, remember what the Scriptures says that in this last day there is going to be a coldness that's going to come upon the church. The love of many shall wax cold. The Scripture says that in this hour there will be a great departure from the faith. So we then, in our sobriety, have to be ready to help those that are around us, (Amen?) making sure that we're provoking one another to love and to good works...