
Two Are Better Than One, Part 3

December 18, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Great time of the year, amen? Just being able to celebrate Immanuel, "God with us." What an exciting opportunity to be able to witness, and it's even fun now: you've got the stores, and a lot of them have forbidden their employees to say, "Merry Christmas," but have you noticed how it opens up witnessing opportunities because they'll say "Happy Holidays"? Of course, I always respond, "Merry Christmas," praise God! And they're like, "Yeah! Merry Christmas!" Because if you say it, then they can say it; see, that's kind of the rule. Just to be able to share the invasion of Almighty God into humanity through that little baby just coming to be made sin with our sin that we might be able to be made righteous with His righteousness. What a great, great time of celebration. This year, praise God, Christmas falls on Sunday--amen?--exciting time to be able to come and worship the Lord. I know a lot of different places that people are bailing for tradition; they're going to be out of church on Sunday to worship Santa Claus or tradition or whatever it is. What a great opportunity just to come and honor the Lord; amen?

I remember what that was all about before I knew Jesus. I love Christmas, I'm a romantic, I like Christmas, I like all of the Hallmark Christmas shows on our TiVo. You have to go--you can't watch them all, or you'd be like, 24/7, but as you are able to look at them and just to be able to remember the good childhood memories. I had some good ones, we've had some pretty wild ones, too, before we were saved. I can remember growing up not knowing Jesus, not knowing anything about Him. I've shared this testimony before, but we had a little manger scene that you would wind up, and what we did--the kids--we would bet on what color "wise man" would show up; it was a slot machine for us. We'd be doing that. I remember some of the Christmases where there were the drunken fist fights and knocking the tree down, and then there were a lot of good times--some good ones--and then I got saved, praise God, and found out what Christmas is really all about, and we've received a great gift; amen? That unspeakable gift of the love and the grace of God, and so we're looking forward to just coming together and celebrating Jesus' birthday, it's been lost so much...