
Two Are Better Than One, Part 4

December 28, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! We want to continue in our study, Two Are Better Than One. Of course, knowing the reason we started this, and realizing the hour we are in, that Satan's tactics have never changed--and why would he change when he is so successful?--his tactics are always "divide and conquer." "Every...house divided against itself [doesn't have a good chance of standing (Is that what it says?)] shall not stand" (Matthew 12:25). Amen? So, we realize that, in this war, the very first attack of Satan on humanity was a "divide and conquer" tactic, which resulted in a house out of order.

Proverbs 18:22 makes it very clear that "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord;" amen? So we have been talking, men, on how to be thankful for that gift God has given us, to realize that, without our wives, we are not whole. When Eve was removed from Adam, that feminine aspect of man was removed; we need that full perspective to be able to walk successfully in God's kingdom. We need our wives. We are not only to love them, we are to let them know their value, how important they are to this whole process; because, when we have been married, we two have become one (Ephesians 5:31); amen? In this union, in which we come back together and have been made one, without that harmony--without that unity--the Scripture says, your prayers are being hindered. I think many of us should look very, very, closely at our prayer lives and the effectualness of our prayers; if they are not in power, as we would like them to be, maybe this is one place to look? Can anybody say "amen" to that?...