
Two Are Better Than One, Part 1

December 7, 2011 • Pastor Star R. Scott

If there's going to be a great falling away, then we need to be holding on to some folks, and building the unity in the Spirit to where one does put a thousand to flight and two puts ten thousand (praise God!), and not to get caught up in the earth-dweller mentality and the tendency--with that secret power of lawlessness we have been talking about--that creates in us this spirit of independence. In this day we don't need to be independent; we need to be dependent upon God and we need to be dependent upon one another, and allow burdens to be borne by one another. Allow that love to really express itself.

Satan, of course, is a master of the divide-and-conquer strategy. His only way into the church is to bring about darkness, strife, and bitterness. Where these things are, there is every evil work (James 3:16). When you bring that into, through your marriages and your family operations, the community, I can guarantee you one thing: If we bring that in, we will turn and run from Ai in defeat. If we allow ourselves to be caught up with this "wedge of gold" and the "Babylonish garments" of our day, and get caught up in the Good Housekeeping mentality--the perfect home, the perfect job, the perfect life--then you are going down; and, tragically, you will take a lot with you. That is what that teaching showed us. So how do we protect ourselves against this? We can look at the negative side, and talk about all of the things we shouldn't do; but, as we start the study and we are beginning to go into it, let's think about the things we should do, first of all...