
Two Become One, Part 8

July 30, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

I want to remind you to continue to pray. We are hearing from Tony about great things going on in Africa. We will have some more details for you. Maybe we will be able to read some in the service this evening. There's a great revival taking place. He said the Umoja church is probably the healthiest it has ever been. Some great moves are going on there. Rob is doing very well at this time, and the ministry is growing. In Eldoret, I think he said in the last service they had 26 or 30 first-time visitors that had come out from the meetings they were holding.

He said they put the new vehicle to the first test. He said they were out in the bush holding some meetings and that there was no way they could have ever gotten to these places, some of these churches. He said they went right through with all of the sound equipment. One of the men in the area made a statement that touched their hearts. He said, "No one has ever bothered to place an altar here before." That's an interesting statement. Sadly, today, much of what is missions is just going to the big cities. Some of these people, believe it or not, have still never seen a white man in person. We are going into places that nobody goes, and God is moving.

Some great things are taking place. We are at the place right now where we are holding some people at bay that want to become a part. Right at this moment over there we have fifteen churches that are family, that have been officially ordained and are part of the ministry now. We have fifteen churches that are family. About six others are champing at the bit. Constantly, people want to join us. They see what is going on, and they can't believe there is a ministry caring for families and providing for their children. The children there are just pretty much cast off to do what they want to do. Either that or they are sent away to some type of a school. We are emphasizing the family unit and the care one for another. Father is doing a great work there. Continue to pray. Exciting things are taking place...