
Two Become One, Part 6

July 19, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Praise God! We'll let's turn to the book of Ephesians; we want to continue with our study. I don't know how much longer we have on this. We seem to have stirred up a lot of stuff, and there are a lot of places we need to go with this. I'd just like to remind you of how we got here. We were talking about the fact that we are not as free from the world as we think we are. In this, the most crucial area of all of our lives, outside of our regeneration, the fact of the matter is that many of us still think like the world as it pertains to relationships and marriage: the natural secular humanist perspective of how two people come together and are, ultimately, made one.

The world has no clue what marriage is. The World's system has no clue what God intended marriage to be. The only way we're going to know what it is, and why it is, is through the Word of God. For it to be performing what God intended, we have to know what the original purpose was. We know from our study that it is because God didn't want Man to be alone. "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone..." (Genesis 2:18). He looked for a help meet [for him]; someone who would be there to prop him up, to bring ballast, to bring perspective: the feminine perspective. We said that that was within Adam, because that's where the woman came from. Ladies: that will help you understand, you are not a separate entity; you are of man. God created man, and then from man He took woman. "Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man," the Scripture says (1 Corinthians 11:9). That is not only a statement of authority and order, it's a statement of origin. Because of that, we know what the purpose is. We realize how perverted our society is today as we've seen the feminist movement and the moving away of women, the females, into the secular realm...