
Two Become One, Part 10

August 2, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Let's go ahead and turn to the book of Corinthians. We'll be picking up on our study. Father has some good things to say to us. As we're talking about marriage relationships, it's so vital to catch the main point of what we're talking about, and that's the fact that it's not good for man to be alone, amen? And he that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord, praise God! If you don't believe it, ask Dana. Some of you may have heard about the betrothal for Dana and Michelle and we're just excited for them, praise God, and believing for God to do just a great work in their lives. There are some great things that are taking place. And if things don't go well, then there can be some negative consequences. (I think some of you may have heard-others have not-that one man and his family have left the fellowship here and are no longer part of the family. It's a thing where what we're talking about-a man choosing to follow his wife, and there are usually grave consequences in that, so it's something that we're praying for the salvation of the family and for God's will to be done in their lives.) Praise God! Making choices that are wise, making choices that you're very sure of what you're getting in the process and it will save a lot of grief in your lives.

Chapter 7 of 1 Corinthians-remember, we were talking about the fact that Paul is answering questions that the Corinthian church had presented. A lot of the questions they were asking were generated by Gnostic thought or (I might say this. If you have to see them on the street at this time, they've left. They've left, not in good standing. My last words to them were when you can return in humility and a spirit of meekness, come back. That's where it stands, so relating will be based upon if there isn't any reaching in or any strife or anything else that is done in areas of defamation, then you can just treat them like anybody else that you would admonish and encourage to make sure that they are ready for the coming of the Lord.)...