
Two Are Better Than One, Part 5

January 1, 2012 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Amen. Hallelujah! 2012. I didn't think we'd ever make it here, but the Lord is coming sooner than when we first believed. Amen? Saw a little comic thing in the paper, I think it was, or somewhere, this guy is standing. He rolls this big wheel in before his wife, and he had made this calendar, and he rolls it in. He's all proud of it, and he says, "It was just big enough to get to the year two thousand and twelve." It's this Mayan guy. The stone was just big enough to go to two thousand and twelve on this calendar, and the wife says, "Boy, I'll bet that will freak somebody out someday." But His coming is sooner than when we first believed. Amen? It's an exciting time to be alive.

The Lord is doing some great things in our midst in preparation for His coming. As we've been sharing, with the emphasis on the bride making herself ready, that's part of what we've been emphasizing this last year. We're looking at a lot of the different ways, and one of them has been, in the last few weeks, just talking about making sure in our own homes we're fulfilling our roles. That, husbands, we are sanctifying our wives with the washing of the water of the Word, and we talked about how practically to do that. It's not by preaching to your wife. It's cleansing her and comforting her with the love of Christ, as Jesus loved you. Then we're able to honor them as the weaker vessel and to esteem them for the high calling of helpmeet and we talked about how difficult a role that is to fulfill. That's what makes them the weaker vessel, not an innate weakness or inferiority. There is to be a kindness that is extended, just to treat your wife the way Jesus treats you. Amen? In doing that, there is the strengthening of our family units, and that's part of what prepares the church for the coming of the Lord...