
Two Become One, Part 5

July 16, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Well, let's turn back to Genesis and allow the Lord to minister to us a little more. Let's take a look at what Father was speaking to us there. As we were looking at this morning's subject I would encourage you-somebody asked me today, "Could you go back over those points that you dealt with this morning?" I said, "I don't have a clue what they were." I've had a number of people ask me and so we can get the CDs. It sounded like something that could have been beneficial to some of us. So the CDs are there. There are some principles that it really wouldn't hurt to hear again. We'll see what we can do to approach some of these from a different area.

As we're looking at the basic principle, again, of "it's not good for man to be alone, I'll make him a helpmeet." A helpmeet is more than just a companion. We talked about loneliness and how difficult that is for the creatures that God has made us. We're social beings. We're creatures that need to be loved and need to be able to give love and show love. We're created in the image of our Father. God is, say it, love. And love gives and receives. That's what love is all about. And since that's who we're of, we're of the very source of love, God Himself, we need to be in that environment of love. We need fellowship. We need companionship. But he says that's not the only thing that Adam needed a helpmeet for or a companion for. We saw that it was someone to give him strength and ballast; someone that could be there as an advisor and a counselor to him. Someone that's there to help when he falls as we know the Scripture indicates the wisdom of two being better than one. And we see that this was the woman's role. It was to be a role that was natural, instinctive until sin entered in; and when sin entered in then Adam's helpmeet was self-indulgent, selfish, and prideful. And because of that schism between Eve and God, and that elevation of self, because-We've shared on numerous occasions the original sin, we know pride was the cause, the source of it, but the original sin was broken order...