
Pray for Results, Part 5

November 29, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to continue along the study we've been in, "Praying for Results." Hopefully, the Scripture has been getting real in our hearts. We were talking about looking at the Lord and where it said, "He prayed more earnestly." I can't ever read that phrase without being convicted. There are times when even the Lord Himself was moved by the circumstances, the gravity, to step it up a notch. That shows us the vindication of what we were talking about in James, that it's the effectual, fervent prayer of righteous men that avails much. A lot of our praying is just casual praying. I believe that in casual praying, we probably get casual results. There are times of urgency. There are times when we are going to war in the spirit realm. We are all aware of that. In all of our lives here, we are at different points, facing battles, trials that some of us are in. Some of us are facing monumental decisions that we're having to make, looking for the wisdom of God. So we pray. In the midst of all that, we pray in confidence, knowing that the steps of the good man are ordered by the Lord and that God opens doors that no man can close. We have all of the promises of God. We want to talk about that a little tonight, just taking ahold of the promises of God, praying those promises, and then resting in faith that "faithful is He who called us," the Scripture says, "who also will do it." Exciting things.

We're going to talk about that a little bit, the great privilege we have of coming into the Lord's presence. I had forgotten about this. I just opened my Bible up. I wanted to share with you one of the great treasures in life. I have this note. I find these quite often around. This one was a blessing during a time of recent trial. I went back and found this little note on my Bible. "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God. To Grandpa, from Hailey. 1 Thessalonians 5." Pretty good treasures we have, that godly seed being raised up and just speaking the Word of God. That's what it is all about, the Word of God being given again into generation after generation...