
Pray for Results, Part 1

November 19, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

"Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus." Oh glory, it won't be long. Amen? Are you homesick? It's going to be so good to see this thing brought to a close, but the Scripture says, "Be not weary in well doing for in due season we're going to reap if we don't faint" (Galatians 6:9). We're just going to stand and rejoice in the goodness of the Lord, looking up, our redemption is drawing nigh, praise God. We're going to talk about praying for results. We've talked about the sovereignty of God. We were talking some the last couple of sessions about the will of God, and being able to embrace the cross, the death to our personal agendas, our own will, realizing that we don't have a clue what we need. We don't know what to pray for as we ought. That's a truth, but the Spirit prays through us with groanings which cannot be uttered. He prays through us, and for us. "Jesus ever living to make intercession for us," (Hebrews 7:25) not only He, personally, but He's praying through us. We're interceding for our families, for our lives, for the ministry, for the kingdom, as the Holy Spirit prays through us. That's the beauty of being filled with the Holy Spirit, that's the beauty of praying in the spirit and not the understanding, it's that we're praying according to the heart of God, or as Romans 8 says, "The will of God" (verse 27). Jesus said, "If you ask any thing according to my will Father hears us it will be done," praise God (John 14:14).

We're going to talk about praying for results because I think too many of us pray for other things than results. We pray to soothe our minds, our consciences. Some of us pray out of obligation because we're supposed to pray. The Bible says men ought what? "...Men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1). Because we have that admonition we're people that pray because we're told to pray; but are we praying in faith? Are we praying for results? Are we praying until we're tired of praying or are we praying until we get an answer? Are we praying while it's convenient to pray? Are we praying at all costs because we realize the eternal things that are at stake? I think more of us would pray with true biblical fervency if we really understood what was at risk. If we really became conscious of the warfare that's raging around us right now, and the need to put on this prayer armor, and to go to battle; the need to begin to look inside. The utterance that came forth was right on by the Spirit. Many of our prayer lives are hindered because of strife, because of conflicts within our own minds, conflicts with other people...