
Pray for Results, Part 3

November 26, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Glory! It seems like some of you out there are still reeling under the power of turkey! This is an interesting time of the year, isn't it? We have all of the celebrations-Thanksgiving and, of course, Christmas is coming up-but for us as believers, it all kind of comes together, praise God! There is no greater time of thanksgiving. We're not thankful for a new nation, although we praise God for living in America; it's the best thing going. We're thankful for the love of God and the free gift of Jesus. I love Christmas time! I like all of the secular parts of it. I like chestnuts roasting on an open fire and (at 65 degrees!) Jack Frost out here nipping at our nose. I like all of the celebration. I like all of those aspects of it; but in the midst of it all, aren't you glad we don't lose the real meaning: the great free gift of the Lord Jesus?

As we're in this study now on the sovereignty of God and we've come into effectual praying (praying for results), I'm so glad that we're not living under the misconception of a little baby in a manger. Thank God that He was manifested in the flesh! (His name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted "God with us.") But Christmas isn't about a baby. Christmas is about a victory being won, praise God! Christmas is about God's invasion of humanity, God's ingenious plan of destroying the kingdom of darkness. Christmas is an all-out attack on Satan! That's what Christmas is about. As God became flesh and dwelt among us, Christmas is about the example of you and me being able to walk in the spirit and say, "I always do the things that My Father has commanded me." That's what Christmas is about. Christmas is about realizing that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, as Jesus lived in the flesh perfect and sinless.

Christmas is really, I think, the time that we can celebrate this great access you and I have now into the presence of the Father. Not only has Jesus fulfilled this sinless life, making Himself eligible to be the perfect, spotless Lamb, slain from before the foundations of the world-died with our sins, was buried, rose again on the third day, and ascended to the right hand of God the Father...