
Pray for Results, Part 2

November 19, 2006 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Praise You, Jesus, amen! Let's look over at Luke 18 for just a second. We'll continue along on this study we started this morning in "Pray For Results." We were sharing-it's something I felt was really important for us to look at, especially after the teaching on sovereignty-to make sure that we don't lose sight of how necessary it is to understand that God's sovereignty manifests itself through the vehicle of prayer. If we stop to really think about it, this great privilege we have of accessing the presence of God; "By the blood of Jesus," the Scripture says, "we've been given bold access into the holy of holies."

Luke 18, verse 1, says, "He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint." As we saw in Ephesians 6:18, we're a people that are "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit," the Scripture says, with thanksgiving. All of these are aspects of what real successful praying is about. We're going to take a little bit of time as we go on in this study and try to break some more of those down. But I want to finish up this evening a little more with that spirit of intercession that we were talking about this morning, the need to be used of God and stand in the gap for one another, lifting up hands that are hanging down, and really allow Father to minister His grace through us.

"Always praying," always praying and not fainting; it's not only that we don't faint in the process of prayer but don't faint in your minds in the expectation. Don't lose the hope; don't lose the faith, the favorable expectation, calling things that are not as though they were, and don't fail to continue to stand in the gap. Realize that in prayer, many times, we're coming to the realization of the heart of God. It's not always revealed to us at the moment, so we just continue to stand and intercede. I like the classic story in Genesis on this. Turn from Luke into Genesis for just a moment. There are a number of truths that are coming out to us. In Genesis 18-we are all very familiar with this story-but I think it's worth taking a few minutes and going back to get ahold of the heart of God, and also the heart of a true intercessor...