
Who's Greater: Elder, Overseer, Bishop or Pastor?

Philippians 1:1, 2

March 4, 2012 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11) (Part 4)

Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2) (Part D)

A Gospel Partnership Remembered (Part 4)

I. Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11)

A. Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2)

1. The Authors of the Letter (1:11-7)

2. The Recipients of the Letter (1:18-23)

a. Their Spiritual Identity (1:18-14)

b. Their Physical Location (1:115-18)

c. Their Representatives (1:119-23)

1) The Elders (1:119-21)

a) The Nature of New Testament Eldership

(1) The Biblical Connections

(2) The Lexical Definitions

● episkpos overseer, bishop; a ruling governmental official

● presbuteros elder; senior member of a family, clan, city, or nation

● poimen pastor, shepherd; tender of flocks

(3) The Practical Implications

(a) The General Application of Eldership to the Local Church

(b) The Specific Outworking of Eldership in a Local Church

b) The Old Testament Foundations of Biblical Eldership

(1) The Lexical Definition of an Elder

● zagen a aged person; person holding a position of leadership in
the community

(2) The Seventy Elders of Israel

(a) The Problem that Gave Rise to Them

(i) Jethro’s Solution (Ex. 18)

(ii) God’s Solution (Num. 11)

(a) The Choosing of the Elders

(b) The Functioning of the Elders