
Why the Church Submits to its Elders

Philippians 1:1, 2

April 29, 2012 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11) (Part 9)

Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2) (Part I)

The Officers of the Church (Part 6)

The Church and New Testament Eldership

Hebrews 13 (Part 4)

I. The Nature of the Church’s Responsibility to Her Elders (3:17a)

II. The Elder’s Responsibility to the Church (3:17b-c)

III. The Purpose of the Church’s Response to Her Elders (3:17d-e)

A. The Immediate Goal of the Church’s Response in Reference to the
Elders (3:17d)

1. The Nature of Their Response: It Please God

a. It Fulfills God’s Will

b. It Reflects God’s Design

2. The Fact of Their Response: Its Inspires the Leadership

a. It Produces Christian Delight

b. It Averts Ministerial Sorrow

B. The Immediate Goal of the Church’s Response in Reference to the Church (3:17e)

1. Stated: It Avoids Personal Damage

2. Proven: It Matches God’s Pattern

IV. Summary of Eldership