
The Role of Deacons in the Church

Philippians 1:1, 2

May 20, 2012 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11) (Part 10)

Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2) (Part J)

The Officers of the Church (Part 7)

I. Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11)

A. Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2)

2. The Recipients of the Letter (1:18-23)

a. Their Spiritual Identity (1:18-14)

b. Their Physical Location (1:115-18)

c. Their Representatives (1:119-23)

1) The Elders (1:119-21)

2) The Deacons (1:122-23)

The Lexical Meaning of Deacon

1. The Terms

● diakonos — servant

● diakonia — serving

● diakoneo — to serve

2. The Terms Compared to Elders

3. The Terms’ Meaning

4. The Terms’ Distinctive Usage

a. Christian Service

b. The Gift of Service (Helps)

c. The Office of Deacon?

The Special Case of the Deacon

1. Their Identity

2. Their Origin

Deacons and Elders Compared

1. The Similarities Between the Offices

2. The Differences Between the Offices