
Elders: Held Accountable

Philippians 1:1, 2; Hebrews 13:17

April 22, 2012 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline:

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Introduction to Philippians (1:1-11) (Part 8)

Paul’s Salutation (1:1-2) (Part H)

The Officers of the Church (Part 5)

The Church and New Testament Eldership

Hebrews 13 (Part 3)

I. The Nature of the Church’s Responsibility to Her Elders (3:17a)

II. The Elder’s Responsibility to the Church (3:17b-c)

A. The Prime Nature of Their Responsibility (3:17b)

B. The Ultimate Accountability for Their Responsibility (3:17c)

1. The Character of Their Accountability

a. They Were Obligated to It

b. They Were Answerable for It

1) The Biblical Link Between Judgement and Obedience

2) The Biblical Pattern of Their Accountability

a) Revealed in Their Role as Shepherds

b) Revealed in Their Role as Stewards

(1) The Problem of Sectarianism in Corinth

(2) The Function of Stewardship

(a) In Terms of Its General Nature

(b) In Terms of Its Evaluation

(c) In Terms of Its Ultimate Evaluator

2. The Implications of Their Accountability

a. The Divine Object of Eldership

b. The Seriousness of Eldership

3. An Illustration of Their Accountability