
Engaging In The Battle

A two-fold battle plan to win the war we face

September 18, 2016 • Benham Brothers

* Paul taught on the "new covenant" but many wanted to remain in the old.
* Paul had more opposition from false teachers in Corinth than anywhere else.
* Imagine people trying to constantly undermine the thing God called you to do.

vs 1-2 - They said Paul:

* 1) was a timid speaker - they were eloquent, but Paul wasn't.
They judged Paul by outward appearance - they didn’t see his internal power.
* 2) walked according to the flesh - they couldn't accept the new covenant.
Paul was talking relationship - these men wanted religion (Isaiah 29:10-13).

vs 3 - Paul didn’t rely on eloquence or powers of oratory in his teaching.

* He knew two things:
* 1) We’re in a war here on this earth - a great spiritual battle.
All relationships require a fight - those in “right relationship” w/God vs Satan.
* 2) You can’t fight spiritual battles with worldly weapons - trying to be a “cool."
2 Cor 7:1 - holiness = Chocolate Chip!

vs 4 - Our weapon is truth and it's POWERFUL to take down STRONGHOLDS.

* POWER - David’s weapons were greater than Goliath’s.
* God’s truth is like David's stones. Goliath's armor and ability was his stronghold.
* STRONGHOLD - “a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.”
* A stronghold is two-fold:
* 1) Personally - it’s where you place your trust - Proverbs 21:22. CLOTHES!
Our trust should be placed in a WHO - this is true for temptations & security.
* 2) Culturally - where Satan takes control & tells Christians to stay out - Gates of Hell.
* How do we take down Strongholds?

vs 5 - Two-fold plan of attack:

* 1)DEMOLISH arguments/pretensions with TRUTH:
* Argument is “a reason given with the aim of persuading”
* Pretension is “a claim or an assertion of a claim to something.”
* Arguments & Pretensions are “thoughts in action” - they are being lived out.

* 2) Take thoughts CAPTIVE with TRUTH - a captive is a prisoner who’s under new authority - he can’t leave, but he’s still alive.
* Kings take captives and often make them servants.
* Our flesh is still alive and will give us bad thoughts - we remind them of their captivity and keep them locked up. How? Renewal.