
Matthew 16:17-19 (2/4/16)

What Is Church?

February 4, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• The disciples were expecting Christ to establish a new kingdom.
• But He let them in on His plan - it was to build a church.
• They knew what "ekklesia" meant:
• 1) an assembly of Greek citizens that governed a city or district.
• 2) the congregation of Israel when gathered for religious activity.
• He didn't stop there - He let them in on the entire role of the church:
• WHO - anyone who made the same claim as Peter.
• WHERE - the "gates" represented power and authority - City Hall.
• Gates of Hell represented the places where Satan exercised power and authority.
• WHAT - keys represent access to authority.
• The church would get access to God's authority.
• The church could bind what was free (evil), and free what was bound (good).
• CHURCH - "a religious governing body made up of Christians who exercise God's ruling authority on the earth."
• This means there will always be a fight.