
Mark 16:15-18 (3/15/18)

Kingdom Advancers

March 15, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Christ’s last words on earth were a commission for believers to be Kingdom Advancers in this world.
* vs 16 - it starts with belief. To believe is to “commit.”
* vs 17-18 - Just as Moses had signs that accompanied him as well as the apostles in Acts, so will we as believers.
* Signs represent to the outside what is true on the inside (like a skin disease).
* Signs make the invisible visible.
* Here are the signs that will accompany believers to show the POWER that’s inside them:
* 1) We WILL cast out demons - this is a matter of AUTHORITY (the “right to use power”).
* The power of God in us will overcome the power of Satan in others.
* 2) We WILL speak in new tongues - this is a matter of CLARITY.
* A believer will talk differently - it will be in a way others can understand.
* We can also speak in prayer tongues if we’re open to the Spirit’s leading.
* 3) We WILL pick up serpents with our hands - this is a matter of BRAVERY.
* We won’t walk in fear - what others fear won’t affect us (there’s no mention of snake bite).
* 4) IF we drink poison, it won’t affect us - this is a matter of IMMUNITY.
* The things that are meant to harm us won’t because of the power inside us.
* ** Persecution - when others want to harm us it won’t.
* ** Purity - the stuff of the world won’t affect us on the inside (like a hose that’s on inside a mud hole).
* 5) We WILL lay our hands on the sick and they will recover - this is about COMMUNITY.
* Believers will be conduits through which God brings healing to others.
* We not only have the power to do it but also the desire.