
John 12:36 (6/3/17)

Discovering Your Identity Through Security

June 4, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Five Core Human Needs: Security - Who can I trust, Identity - Who am I, Belonging - who wants me, Purpose - why am I alive, Competence - what am I good at?
•Everything hinges on security and starts with a question of WHO, not WHAT.
•You should find your security ultimately in God and then trustworthy people and yourself.
•JOHN 12:36 - Security to Identity - trust in God leads to a change in who you are.
•*KEY* Until you answer the question of security you’ll never discover your true identity.
•Security - I can trust God - He’ll never fail me.
•Identity - I am a child of God - He’s my Father.
•Belonging - God wants me because I’m his kid.
•Purpose - I want to bring Him glory - He gets the credit.
•Competence - I can do whatever He wants me to do cuz He’ll do it through me.
•Notice the end of the verse - Jesus then was hidden from them.
•The only way you can make it through a tough time in your life is to find your security and identity in Him.
•JOHN 14:1-6 - TRUST in God. This is security.
•THREE Examples:
•JOHN (John 13:21-25) Look at how John referred to himself.
•He found his security, identity, and sense of belonging in Christ and it fueled his purpose (glorifying God) and competence (writing Scripture).
•John didn’t identify himself by “what” he did, but by “who” he was because of “who” loved him.
•On the island of Patmos he was all alone, but he never failed in his faith.
•PETER (John 13:36-38) - Peter found security in himself - Christ had to break him of this.
•*KEY* Before you can come to know who you are in Christ you need to know who you are apart from Him.
•DAVID (Psalms 62:1-2, 5-8) - Four times David referred to God as his rock or refuge.
•Consider who David was at this time - a wealthy king who was married.
•Three things you should NOT find your ultimate security in:
•POSITION - Finding security in your position causes you to always strive to be the best, and when you’re not you have a hard time handling it.
•We’re called to “give” our best, and let God decide if we’ll “be” the best.
•POSSESSIONS - Finding security in possessions leads you to see yourself as an owner and not a steward.
•PEOPLE - If you find your security in people then three things take place:
•1) You become a people-worshipper.
•2) You then become a people-pleaser.
•3) You ultimately become hardened toward people because people will fail you.
•*KEY* Finding your security in God relieves the pressure off the people in your life.
•For married people, your spouse was never meant to be the source to meet all your needs - only God can do that.
•MATTHEW 18:2-3 - To place your security in God, you must become like a child.
•Like my niece Macie - if her mom puts her down or leaves she freaks out.
•Why? Because her entire being is wrapped up in her mom. She’s only secure when she’s around.