
Ezekiel 41:5 (6/19/24)

Thick Walls of the Temple

June 19, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Ezekiel 41:5

* Ezekiel’s vision of the Temple carried a two-fold purpose: 

  * Encourage people that the temple would be restored one day (when Christ comes back). 

  * Encourage NT believers about our own newly formed temples - our bodies. 

  * The temple is what housed God’s presence. 

  * So it was to be constructed “exactly” according to the design. 

* When Ezekiel got to the walls, check out how thick they were: 

* vs 5 - “Then he measured the wall of the temple, six cubits thick, and the breadth of the side chambers, four cubits, all around the temple.”

  * The walls of the temple were 10.5 feet thick! 

  * There are rooms in houses that are 9 feet wide, and this temple wall was that thick!  

* I think it shows us four things:  

  * 1) Beauty - the walls were made of stone, which was really pretty. 

    * But this is just the outward appearance. 

  * 2) Strength - you couldn’t penetrate these walls if you’re an enemy, no matter what you did.  

    * They were just too thick. 

    * If you don’t feel strong, “consider” yourself strong. 

  * 3) Security - if you were inside the temple you were safe - nobody was getting to you.

    * Our core human need is trust. 

    * You may experience hurt, but not harm. 

  * 4) Stability - they were built to last! 

    * They would last the test of time. 

    * This will help you overcome anxiety - projecting fear into the future. 

* Now, we are the temple.  

  * As we come together in God’s name we have beauty, strength, security, and stability.  

  * If we separate from others, we lose all of these things.