
Psalms 139:14 (7/24/24)

Two Keys to Transformation

July 24, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Psalm 139:14

* f you want to see change in your life, you have to change your thinking. 

  * Romans 12:2 - “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” 

  * One way to renew your mind is by writing Declarations and Commitments. 

  * You declare who you are and commit to what you will do. 

* This becomes a statement of truth - WRITE it, READ it, REPEAT it! 

  * Writing, Reading, and Repeating trains your subconscious mind what to think. 

    * In time, you’ll begin to act in alignment with your subconscious mind. 

* David shows us what it looks like: 

* vs 14 - “I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”

  * He makes a commitment (I will) on the foundation of a declaration (I am). 

  * He commits to what he will do on the foundation of declaring who he is. 

* If you want complete transformation, you need to DECLARE who you are and COMMIT to what you will do. 

  * Declaration is about IDENTITY. 

  * Commitment is about ACTION. 

  * Declaration gets you thinking right. 

  * Commitment converts your thinking into action. 

  * Declaration says “I AM” 

  * Commitment says “I WILL DO” 

* I AM - name of God - whatever follows it has POWER! 

* EX: Marriage: 

  * DECLARATION - I am thankful that God gave Tori to me. Her strengths and weaknesses compliment who I am.  

  * COMMITMENT - I will pursue Tori and respond to her like I did before we were married. I will be fueled by gratitude.