
Amos 4:6-11 (7/17/24)

Peace Through Pain

July 17, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Amos 4:6–11

* A popular mantra in today's Christian world is that God is always pursuing us.  

  * While there's an element of truth to that, the reality is that God has already pursued us by sending Jesus.  

  * He's done His part; now, we respond to that pursuit by surrendering to Him.  

  * He's not running after us begging us to follow Him.

  * EX: Christ’s example of the prodigal son. 

    * Lost sheep - foolishness

    * Lost coin - carelessness 

    * Lost son - rebellion

* God wants us to come to Him.  

  * So what does that look like?  

  * What does He do to get us to come back to Him if we’ve left Him? 

  * He brings pain into our lives (we bring it on ourselves).  

* vs 6 - “I gave you empty stomachs, a lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me, declares the Lord.” 

  * God brought His people pain so they would turn to Him.  

  * His pursuit looks a lot like pain.  

* If you have wandered from the path God has for you, expect pain to meet you.  

  * It's God's way of saying, "Come back to Me!" 

* vs 7 -11- drought, gardens and vineyards destroyed from blight and mildew, locusts devoured fig trees, plagues of Egypt, endless war and battles, people killing each other, etc. 

* God also uses pain in our lives when we are on the right path.  

  * Acts 9:16 - “…I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” 

  * Strength comes through strain. 

  * Peace comes through pain. 

    * EX: endorphines release after pain (childbirth). 

* When we experience pain it should increase our pursuit.  

  * This is why Proverbs says, "A man's spirit sustains him in sickness."  

  * When you love Jesus and you get sick then you pursue Him even more for your healing.