
Matthew 13:3-9 (9/4/24)

Which Soil Are You?

September 4, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Matthew 13:3–9

* When we read Scripture, there are times we are the sower and times when we are the soil. 

  * Our job is not to worry about the growth…

  * Our job is to receive the seed (like good soil) and scatter the seed (like a good sower). 

* To teach this principle, Jesus taught the parable of the sower. 

  * In the parable, we are the sowers, the seed is the gospel, and the ground is those who hear our message. 

* vs 3-9 

* Notice the four ground types (people) on which the seed falls. 

* 1) Path - these people’s hearts are hard, so no matter what you say, it will not penetrate. 

  * They have already rejected God, and there’s no coming back. 

* 2) Rocky soil - these people hear and receive the word, but when trials and suffering come, they return to their old patterns. 

  * Strength comes through strain. 

  * So we should expect it in the Christian life (it’s not just about getting blessed). 

* 3) Thorny soil - these people hear and receive the word, but they aren’t disciplined in their daily habits.

  * So the cares of the world (their daily needs for food, shelter, clothing, etc) get more of their attention than growing their relationship with God. 

  * They focus on the temporal, not the eternal. 

* 4) Good soil—these folks hear and receive the word, commit to serving Jesus whatever the cost, establish habits to keep them on track, and slowly grow and mature into firm believers. 

* The question is, which soil are you? 

* The three types of bad soil - what gets in their way:

  * SELF. 

  * STRAIN. 

  * STUFF. 

* But the healthy soil gets the SAVIOR!