
Matthew 22:11-14 (9/18/24)

The Spirit of the Party

September 18, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Matthew 22:11–14

* If you want to enjoy the party you have to honor the spirit of the party. 

  * If you want to enjoy the kingdom, you have to honor the spirit of the kingdom. 

  * That means you have to honor the king. 

* How do you honor the king? 

  * Two ways - presence and posture. 

    * Presence = readiness 

      * If he’s throwing a party, you say “yes” then you get ready! 

    * Posture = reverence

      * When you get to the party, you have to honor His code. 

* Jesus gave an analogy of a king hosting a wedding banquet to show what access to the kingdom looked like. 

* vs 1-10 - the first people he invited didn’t come. 

  * This represented the Jews who refused to accept the invitation of the kingdom. 

  * They were not willing to inconvenience themselves to be at the wedding. 

  * This showed the king that he was not very important. 

  * EX: close friends refusing to come to your party. 

* If you’re ready for God to show up, He will! 

  * Staying ready is looking and listening for God in all things. 

* vs 11-14 - in vs 10 the call of the master to his banquet appealed to both good and bad people - those with good intentions and those with bad.  

  * This is why there’s a qualifier to the parable in vs 11-14.  

  * Yes, the call will attract people with selfish motives, but there’s a “weening out” that will take place before they’re allowed in.  

  * You can’t just show up and do your thing your way - you have to conduct yourself according to the master’s standards.  

* The application is clear - God’s offer of eternal life will attract lots of people, but only those who are willing to clothe themselves with righteousness will get in. 

  * If you wear your self-righteousness you will be thrown out. 

* EX: the rich young ruler - he was attracted but not submitted.  

  * He wasn’t willing to part with his stuff, so he didn’t get the eternal life he sought.  

* The Passion Version says that the wedding clothes were provided to the invited guests as a part of the tradition of the time.  

  * This would imply the person was not willing to part with his thing for the groom’s thing. 

  * He was more comfortable in his old clothes than his new ones.  

* If you want to enjoy the kingdom, you have to honor the spirit of the kingdom.