
Mark 1:28 (9/25/24)

Don't Try To Be Famous

September 25, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Mark 1:28

- In today’s influencer culture, people are elevating fame over faithfulness. 

- People are lusting for fame. 

- As a result, they elevate likes over lives. 

- Much of it has been learned from pastors. 

- When your income, image, and influence are determined by people liking you, you’ll never stand strong. 

- I heard a speaker say, “With the rise of social media, young people would rather be discovered more than developed.” 

- Oswald Chambers said, “Focus on depth, and let God handle your breadth.” 

- Notice how it worked for Jesus. 

- He was simply faithful to do exactly what God told Him to do. 

- vs 28 - “And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee.” 

- His fame spread. 

- The news about who He was and what He was doing spread. 

- Was that the goal? 

- No. He didn’t come for fame - He came for faithfulness. 

- Fame was simply a byproduct of His faithfulness. 

- If fame were God’s goal for Jesus, He would’ve been born in the 21st century when social media was a thing.

- I was in a green room with several famous people and one of them joked that they had never heard of me and David and had to look us up on Google. 

- Then he laughed. 

- He meant it light-heartedly, so we all laughed with him. 

- But the more I thought about it the more I realized that our culture elevates fame over faithfulness all the time. 

- The reason David and I aren’t fame is because of our faithfulness to stand by God’s truth on marriage and life. 

- Because of that, we were canceled. 

- As a result of being canceled, people don’t know who we are. 

- We’re now “non-famous” Christians, and I feel really good about it. 

- We don’t need famous Christians. 

- We need faithful ones. 

- And if fame comes as a result, as it did for Jesus, so be it - use it to bless those who aren’t famous!  

- NOTE - if you keep an eternal perspective, God rewards all faithfulness with fame in His kingdom.