* Wiersbe - "As a master Teacher, our Lord used many different approaches in sharing God’s Word: symbols, miracles, types, parables, proverbs, and paradoxes.”
* A paradox is a statement that seems to contradict itself and yet expresses a valid truth or principle.
* EX: “When I am weak, then am I strong”.
* God’s ways are always different than man’s ways.
* His ways don’t always make sense.
* In Mark 10, Jesus gives us 5 paradoxes that teach 5 lessons.
* Two Shall Be One (Mark 10:1–12)
* vs 8 - “and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.”
* In marriage, two people become one person.
* Physical marriage is a sign of spiritual marriage.
* But it’s also about the church - we unite with others.
* EX: baking ingredients - yield to the baker!
* Adults Shall Be as Children (Mark 10:13–16)
* vs 15 - “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
* God’s kingdom requires surrender, trust, and humility.
* All of these are childlike qualities.
* The First Shall Be Last (Mark 10:17–31)
* vs 31 - “But many who are first will be last, and the last, first.”
* Faithfulness is rewarded in heaven over fame and fortune.
* They may be last on the earth, but they’ll be first in heaven.
* EX: getting on the train at an airport.
* Servants Shall Be Rulers (Mark 10:32–45)
* vs 43b - “…but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant;”
* Those who serve Christ now will be rulers with Him in His Millenial Kingdom.
* The Poor Become Rich (Mark 10:46–52)
* You can experience poverty on the earth but have great riches in Heaven.
* You can live in a singlewide trailer on Earth but have a mansion in Heaven.