
Mark 8:14-21 (10/2/24)

Spiritual Perspective

October 2, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Mark 8:14–21

* God wants us to have “eyes that see.” 

  * He wants us to see the spiritual through the physical.  

* Site is looking at the physical. 

  * Insight is seeing the deeper meaning behind what you see. 

  * God can give you insight if you open your eyes to the spiritual. 

* Jesus had just fed the 5k and the 4k and the disciples picked up lots of leftovers.  

  * Then they left for another place to minister, but the disciples forgot to bring any of the bread.  

  * Once they arrived the Pharisees came up to Jesus asking for a sign.  

  * They didn’t operate by faith - they operated by logic. 

  * Their theology was “seeing is believing.”  

  * For a true believer, our theology is “believing is seeing!”  

  * When it comes to true saving faith, belief always comes first, sight comes second.  

* So Jesus turns to His disciples and says: 

* vs 15 - “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod and the Herodians.”  

  * He used a physical analogy to make a spiritual point. 

  * Leaven as a noun is “a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it.” 

  * As a verb, to leaven something is to “permeate, modify, or transform something.” 

  * A leavening agent is “a substance that lightens and softens the mixture.”

* Jesus didn’t want the thought patterns of the Pharisees and Herodians to penetrate the disciples’ minds, leaving them puffed up and soft in their faith.  

* Look at the two different mindsets: 

  * The Pharisees were hypocrites - they said one thing and did another.  

  * “The leaven of Herod wants self-realization rather than repentance; it looks for ways of self-affirmation rather than self-denial. Herod wanted to know Jesus, but on his own terms and without turning to Him as the definitive source. Herod wanted to listen to John, but on his own terms and without repenting.” -Ligoneer Ministries

  * Jesus knew these two mindsets would destroy the influence of a kingdom mindset in their culture, so He warned them against them.  

* Look how the disciples responded: 

* vs 16 - “They began to discuss with one another the fact that they had no bread.” 

  * They were looking through their physical eyes. 

* Look how Jesus responded: 

* vs 17-21 - When He discerned they were still looking through physical eyes He reminded them of the leftovers.  

  * It was as if Jesus was saying, “Do you remember what you got when you served the people first? Do you remember the amount of food you ended up with when you focused on doing My thing over your thing? You each ended up with way more than you could eat.”  

* The principle - if you look for and seek the spiritual God will always take care of the physical.  

  * You’ll never have to worry about physical things again - let the Pharisees and Herodians do that. 

  * Jesus will take care of those things for you.  

  * Just keep your eyes focused on the spiritual.  

* Anytime you go through anything, always search for the spiritual principle first.  

  * Ask what God is saying.  

  * When you do this you will always find that the physical will take care of itself.  

  * But if you only look at the physical you’ll miss the spiritual.  

* EX: I had a massive retaining wall fall at a commercial building we built years ago. My first reaction was the figure out a way to fix the wall, but God prompted me to look at what He was saying spiritually.  

  * I did that and learned 12 things He was trying to say to me.  

  * I also fixed the wall physically, but I came out on the other side a completely different man because I saw the spiritual.