
Mark 7:14-23 (10/2/24)

The Nature of Sin

October 2, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Mark 7:14

* If we’re going to overcome sin, we need to understand it’s nature. 

  * Jesus talked about this a lot. 

  * He taught that sin grows from the inside-out, not the outside-in. 

  * It’s more like a cancer than a germ. 

* In Bible times, they didn’t have science like we have it today. 

  * We understand the difference between a germ and cancer. 

  * A germ is contagious - it comes from the outside and infects you on the inside. 

  * Cancer grows from the inside out and is not contagious. 

* Jesus challenged the religion of the Pharisees. 

  * They did the right stuff on the outside, but inwardly, they were rotten. 

  * They made a big deal out of rituals and outward observations, but not inward purity. 

  * In their eyes, sin was more like a germ than cancer. 

* So Jesus broke up their paradigm. 

  * He and His disciples ate food with dirty hands. 

  * This broke the tradition of cleansing before you ate. 

  * By doing this, Jesus showed that sin was a cancer, not a germ. 

  * And that these Pharisees were cancerous. 

* vs 14-23 - What happens on the inside of your heart is what defiles you, not what you do on the outside. 

  * You can play the part outwardly, but God sees what’s happening inwardly. 

  * Character is doing what’s right as God defines right even if nobody knows it. 

* CAVAET - The only way something on the outside can defile you is if you don’t have the Holy Spirit flowing through you. 

  * EX: Water hose in a muddy hole. 

* Be the same person in private that you are in public. 

  * Just like David before he fought Goliath - he was faithful in the lion and bear stories. 

* Sin is a cancer, not a germ - make sure you stay pure privately.