
Ezekiel 22:30 (6/12/24)

The Reward For Standing In The Gap

June 12, 2024

* There is a gap that exists between mankind and God. 

  * Spiritually, that gap has been bridged by Jesus. 

  * But we can bridge that gap as we represent Jesus to others. 

* We are called to “stand in the gap” for people and nations. 

  * Job’s fortunes were restored “when he prayed for his friends.” 

    * He interceded for them - stood in the gap. 

    * NOTE - God allows conflict so you can intercede for others (not get bitter toward them). 

  * Ezekiel stood in the gap for his nation. 

    * Many of our Biblical heroes did the same.

* vs 30 - “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”

  * God is looking for gap-standers today. 

  * Those who will stand for others and bridge the gap as an intercessor. 

  * When we do, we become something special. 

* EX: Linchpin (hitch-pin)

  * Farm Equipment

  * Lawn Mower

  * The linchpin is small and insignificant on its own but strong and indispensable the moment it is placed in the gap for which it was designed. 

* God has designed each of us to fill a gap in culture so that we can connect God with those who are disconnected from Him. 

  * On our own, we’re small and insignificant. 

  * Filling the gap God has called us to fill, we are strong and indispensable. 

* God is looking for linchpins. Will you be one?