
The Qualifier

What has to take place before we can get saved

May 16, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Nic came at night because he felt felt condemned/judged by his Pharisee buddies for being interested in Jesus.
* Jesus educates him on the spiritual nature of salvation, then rebukes him, then educates him on eternal life.
* vs 16 - Skip Moen- “believe” in the Greek means to “believe into” - to move from one place to another.
* It’s a verb that involves a constant state of action.
* It’s not a static collection of facts.
* To believe is to commit.
* Believing is an activity that moves us from one place to another.
* It is movement of my whole being out of myself and into God.
* If you are “believing INTO God” you will experience change in this new place.
* Get into it today!
* vs 17 - Jesus gives a qualifier after His famous words in John 3:16.
* Why would Jesus do this?
* Because His love first feels like condemnation.
* You have to know you’re condemned before you want to get saved.
* Romans 8:1 - the word “NOW” is key.
* vs 19 - people loved darkness more than the light - Nic came at night!
* He most likely felt condemned.
* But Jesus wanted Him to get saved!