
Hosea 12:1-5 (7/10/24)

How To Stop Striving

July 10, 2024

- Ambition is a great follower but a terrible leader. 

- It’s meant to stay in the passenger’s seat, not the driver’s seat. 

- But it will always vie for position!

- Israel was in constant pursuit of its own thing - ruled by ambition. 

- God delivered a message through Hosea. 

- Read Hosea 12:1-5. 

- vs 1a - “Ephraim feeds on the wind; he pursues the east wind all day…” 

- The phrase “chasing the wind” is about unbridled ambition that gets you nowhere. 

- Mark 14:50 - “What does it profit a man…” 

- vs 1b - “…and multiplies lies and violence…” 

- Blind ambition blunts empathy and logic. 

- You end up hurting people to get what you want. 

- vs 1c - “…He makes a treaty with Assyria and sends olive oil to Egypt.” 

- Blind ambition leads to bad partnerships. 

- You’ll look to others for help that should not be in your life. 

- vs 2 - “The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah; He will punish Jacob according to his ways and repay him according to his deeds.” 

- Ambition makes God your opponent, not your partner. 

- Like a good parent, God wants to bless, not punish. 

- vs 3a - “In the womb he grasped his brother’s heel…”

- Jacob was born with an ambitious temperament. 

- But we aren’t to operate according to personality or temperament. 

- We are to operate by the leading of the Spirit. 

- Faith is “living without scheming.”

- vs 3b - “…as a man he struggled with God.” 

- Jacob’s struggles with others revealed his struggle with God. 

- He had a God problem. 

- He needed an encounter with the Lord. 

- vs 4a - “He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor…”

- Many people want the blessings of God more than God Himself. 

- vs 4b-5 - “…He found (God) at Bethel and talked with Him there - the Lord God Almighty, the Lord is His name.” 

- Bethel = sacred place, sanctuary, holy place, hallowed spot. 

- Once he met God, truly met Him and experienced His presence, he ceased striving! 

- He stopped fighting. 

- He fully surrendered. 

- God did two things:

- He convicted him - “What is your name?” 

- He touched him - Jacob was never the same, he led with a limp. 

- Where was your Bethel? 

- A place where you met God? 

- Do you have a current Bethel? 

- A sacred place to meet with God? 

- https://www.dropbox.com/home/Podcasts%20-%202024?di=left_nav_browse&preview=7.10.24+Hosea+12+-+Striving.mp3 

Hosea 13:6 - Remember to Reconnect

- God wants us to stay connected to Him and others. 

- The way to do that is through gratitude. 

- If we don’t show gratitude it causes a relational break. 

- Israel shows us what this looks like. 

- Hosea delivered the message from God: 

- vs 6 - “When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.” 

- They had a need and God met it. 

- But they did not thank God for meeting these needs. 

- They got what they wanted and no longer needed Him.  

- They became proud, which led to them forgetting God.

- So how did God respond?  

- He turned from partner to opponent. 

- vs 7-8 - “So I will be like a lion to them, like a leopard I will lurk by the path. Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack them and rip them open; like a lion I will devour them— a wild animal will tear them apart.”

- What God becomes to us is up to us. 

- He can be a God of grace and mercy or a God of wrath. 

- Hosea prophesied just after Solomon reigned.  

- He watched how Israel was at its height of power during Solomon's time as king, but the devastation that resulted when he forgot God.  

- So God tore the kingdom into two and they ended up losing everything.  

- The same is true with us.  

- Ingratitude pulls us away from those we were meant to be close to. 

- It robs us of our memory - we forget those who were instrumental in getting us to where we are. 

- Romans 1:21 - “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

-  The path to destruction begins with ingratitude that leads to pride.

- When we forget God we disconnect from Him.  

- To remember is to reconnect. 

- If my finger gets dismembered from my hand, I have to “re-member” it. 

- So remembering what God has done is the secret to staying connected to Him (and others).