
Daniel 3:1-30 (7/3/24)

Be a Transformer

July 3, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Daniel 3

* Daniel and his buddies had: 

  * Conviction that transformed their hearts. 

  * Commitments that transformed their lifestyles. 

  * Courage that transformed their world. 

* God orchestrates circumstances so we have our moment to stand strong. 

* This is what happened when King Neb setup a statue for all to worship. 

  * But Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego refused to bow. 

* vs 12 - “There are certain Jews whom you have appointed over the affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, O king, pay no attention to you; they do not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” 

  * Their reward? The fiery furnace? 

  * How did that turn out? 

  * God rescued them miraculously …

  * …and King Neb had an encounter with God. 

* Warren Wiersbe notes that this event involves three kinds of people, all of whom are still in our world: 

  * Conformers (1–7). The people were happy to conform to the king’s desires as long as he spared their lives and gave them what they needed.

    * Christianity has always been viewed as a threat. 

    * We should not run from it. 

    * Romans 12:1 - “Do NOT conform…” 

  * Informers (8–12). The people who ratted the guys out were some of the Chaldeans whose lives Daniel and his friends had saved. 

    * These men wanted only to win the king’s favor. 

    * They also wanted the offices the king had given to the three Jews. 

    * Today, people want to tell on you!  

    * EX: GLAAD

  * Transformers (13–30; Rom. 12:1–2). The three men did not know for sure that God would deliver them. 

    * But even if He didn’t, they would obey the Lord and not worship the king and his idol. 

    * Courage is what makes you a transformer. 

* The fire brought them two blessings: 

  * 1) The Lord came and walked with them.

    * vs 25 - “He said, “Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” 

  * 2) They were set free from their bonds. 

    * Freedom comes when you choose to transform, not conform.