
Daniel 2:1-12 (6/26/24)

God, The Conductor

June 26, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Daniel 2:1–12

- If you go to the orchestra and watch the conductor, he’s the one who’s making things happen. 

- The musicians play their instruments, but without him, it would be nothing but noise. 

- Each musician has their eyes on the conductor.  

- In life, it’s the same - God is the orchestrator. 

- As we keep our eyes on him, we play the right note at the right time. 

- He changes things and people to get us where He wants us to go. 

- Look at this story with Daniel. 

- God wanted Daniel promoted, but how would He do it?  

- He visited a pagan king in his sleep! 

- Just like He did with Pharoah to promote Joseph and Xerxes with Mordecai! 

- vs 1-12

- God orchestrated an impossible situation so that one of his boys would rise to the challenge.  

- The outlook was bleak for the wise men of Babylon, but Daniel stepped up to the plate.  

- God orchestrates situations so He can get the glory through our faithfulness. 

- Our job is to keep our eye on God and BE READY.